Όbelisk Αrchitect

obelisk-arc is an HTTP request router for use in a single Architect @http function1.
It utilizes Architect's helpers and familiar payload shapes and the power of find-my-way (used by Fastify and Restify) to help create a router in a single AWS Lambda2.

This web site's routes are handled in a single Lambda by the obelisk-arc router and deployed with Architect. Try the links below:

This Lambda's router.prettyPrint():

└── / (GET)
    ├── async (GET)
    ├── router (GET)
    ├── silent (GET)
    ├── form (GET, POST)
    └── th
        ├── row (GET)
        └── ings/
            ├── near/
            │   └── :lat-:lng
            │       └── /radius/
            │           └── :r (GET)
            └── :id (GET)

A rad feature of find-my-way ☝️

1 This version of Obelisk is only compatible with Architect's Node.js runtime helpers: @architect/functions.
For a more generic Lambda version see obelisk-lambda.

2 "Monolithic" Lambdas that handle many routes-per-function are not usually recommended. Typically, cloud functions should be plentiful and small. However, there are some use cases where a "fat" Lambda can remain focused and quick while handling a wide variety of request paths.

3 This is the source for the complex route above:

import arc from "@architect/functions";
import Router from "obelisk-arc";

const router = new Router();

	async ({ routeParams, query }) => {
		const { lat, lng, r } = routeParams;
		const { foo } = query;

		// do something with route and query params

		return {
			json: { routeParams, query },

export const handler = arc.http(router.mount());

Docs + Source: github.com/tbeseda/obelisk-arc